Complex challenges in rail and public transport

Clear proposals and solutions

Our knowledge of rolling stock and operations helps (international) businesses and organisations to solve complex, often technology-related challenges in rail and public transport.

Technology, but never only technology

Mobility is an essential part of modern society. Public transport plays an important role in the daily lives of millions around the globe. Social and technological developments provide opportunities, but also present us with complex challenges.

With over twenty years of experience in public transport and rolling stock technology, we help (international) companies and other orgaisation to solve complex technology-related issues. Technology is often at the centre of our projects, but is is never the sole focus. Market, business or regulatory aspects are also key. Driven by innovation and sustainability, we search for added value and smarter solutions.

At 3PT, we love nothing more than to delve into complex mobility issues every day. Our clients include operators, governments, suppliers and general consultancy companies in need for specialist knowledge. 

The Netherlands is our home base, but also abroad we offer our clients consultancy, project management and strategic support. With local presence in The Netherlands, Hungary, China and Vietnam, we are internationally positioned and work both in Europe and Asia.

Skilled and complementary

Our small and close-knit team. We share a solid technical background and complement each other in knowledge, skills and experience. We are conceptually strong and innovation-oriented and bring different perspectives to the table. We are enterpreneurial and take ownership for our projects.




years experience


completed projects


areas of expertise

Areas of expertise

'Often a sign of expertise is noticing what isn't happening (yet)'
We are the extra pair of eyes that see what it takes to take your project further.

We quickly understand complex matters and provide you with sharp insights accompanied by constructive guidance. You can  count on a thorough approach, in which we look at topics from several angles. We always include the perspectives of all those involved: the fleet owner, operator, passengers, licensing party, legislator and maintenance provider. Legal and financial analyses are also part of our offering.

Feasibility studies

Do you have doubts about the feasibility or usability of a project or product? We investigate your project and give sound and realistic feedback.

Business development support

Do you have ideas for developing, improving and marketing new products or services? We are happy to assist you in further developing your business. We advise you on how to best to approach the market. And we gladly support you in realizing these plans.

Authorisation strategies

Certification and obtaining authorization according to national and European laws and regulations is difficult, both from a technical and procedural perspective. We can help you develop and execute the right strategy.

Rolling Stock innovation & sustainability

Innovation and sustainability are high on the agenda for many operators and governments. Implementing technical innovations in your fleet is an important challenge for which we gladly use our expertise.

Tender support

Are you about to issue or apply for a tender and need support? We guide you all the way if you want.

Strategy consulting

We can support futher development of your strategic or operational plans and ambitions and help to focus your goals. In particular, we develop roadmaps and business cases. We explore opportunities and risks concerning rolling stock technology and sustainability.


The projects we work on are as diverse as they are complex, always challenging, and seldom impossible. We are happy to take you into our mindset and point the way to one or more solutions.

Lenders Technical Advisor

Lenders Technical Advisor to a bank and public transport operator to support the procurement and financing of rolling stock.


Certification strategy for innovative freight wagon

We contributed to the development of a new type of rail freight wagon for use across Western Europe. This car carries a combination of technologies from several other types of rolling stock. By matching the technical characteristics of the new wagon with European and national requirements in an in-depth analysis, we developed a cost effective strategy for obtaining type approval. This startegy was presented to national and European authorities in a pre-enagement procedure and subsequently implemented. Managing a Notified Body was an essential aspect of this assignment.


Realisation of battery-powered hybrid locomotives

We were closely involved in realizing the first locomotives on battery technology in the Netherlands. These locomotives enable sustainable shunting operations and replace very outdated and polluting diesel-powered locomotives. We mediated in the contracting between the manufacturer and a freight carrier. We came up with an ambitious but realistic technical specification in an iterative manner and monitored the development and certification.